A Month of Fundays

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Monday, March 09, 2015

Giants in FA, Pt.6: No Apparent Plan

It's not that the Giants don't have a plan, it's just that none is apparent yet, a) because they have not broken any rules, and b) because others have we only have an idea of who they are NOT getting.  They did finally circulate the info about Beason's pay cut, which seems to add a disputed amount to their pot.   The beat guys are still figuring that out...  Anyway, you have to wonder if they let the guys run with that so that the fans would think,"well they must need that for something..."  Even though it might just have been that they couldn't stand giving Beason, who is always injured, as much as they were supposed.  None of the rumored stuff has happened, and now it's being rumored they are interested in Shane Vereen.  Whoopee.   They need someone who can the ball and is more explosive than Vereen has looked and been.

Anyway, there were a bunch of rumors but a boring truth during this strange and partially sanctioned weekend -- and no plan has yet emerged.  Let's hope there's still a good one to be executed, the owner didn't seem to want a third awful season in a row.


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