The Toast
The Toast that you will see me referring to on the blog, until it's proven wrong, was given by Chris Paul at Carmelo Anthony's wedding last year. Now, even before the toast was given, I had heard and reported the CP3 was somehow going to be a Knick. At Melo's wedding, CP3 raised a toast someday teaming up with Carmelo and Amar's ON THE KNICKS. So far, his Toast has been coming true. Last weekend at the NBA all-star game, his CAA agents were telling people that Chris Paul was going to be a Knick in `12 or sooner. So take all of that for what you deem it worth. The Knicks will need some reliable bigs, to support there tremendous trio, and we can't start finding the bigs soon enough. Cheers!
*slaps head*
with the proper bigs CP3 added to this roster will be a perennial contender imo
I still want Howard.
He's gonna be a Laker.
Stuff happens.
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