A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Yankee Names Continue Their Slow Roll Out

SS Dermis Garcia is finally in the Hizzy Ruth Built, with his teenage 70 power.    He's drawn comparisons to a few of the most hyped teen players of all time, including ARod.    He was also trained by the guy who worked with a young Cano and Sano.   Great get, and hilariously, MLB has him as the #1 player in the class, and Baseball America has him at #9.    LoL BA and the Yanks.   But at least BA, for all of their poor prognosticating, can't aim CBA's as the Yanks has baseball has been doing through their last 3 deals.

But today, my friends who under the Mantle of Gehrig Lovers, the Yanks are finally fighting back (if not on the ball field) in the field of aggressive talent acquisition and damn it! where the team of DiMaggio use of their dough.   Enough of this socialist bullshit!   Let's sign the best 15 we can find!

They've also signed Nelson Gomez, a power hitting 3B, and SS Diego Castillo from VZ.   I'm not going to recount the bonuses, those are easily available, and detract from this light show we're going to get from the Yanks today (if not on the field)!

As for the outgoing and absolutely corrupt commish, he'll just have to grin and Berra it!

UPDATE: Wilkerman Garcia has also signed.   He's the sweet swinging lefty, SS from VZ.

UPDATE:  The Yanks also got DR OF Juan DeLeon, who is supposed to have the best tools in the class and as BA's #2 ranked prospect.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

I wish they would disband the current ML team and alternate playing their farm teams at YS. It would have to be more entertaining than this pile of poop.

I am being completely serious, if terribly naive.


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