A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

The Yanks Finally Do It

You're a looking in the eyes of Juan DeLeon, a 5 tool OF the Yanks signed today.  He was BA's #2 prospect.   He might not even be the third best player the Yanks got today or will get when this IFA period is over.     Today, George Steinbrenner,  Del Webb,  Mr. Barrow. Marse Joe, Casey, Miller, and Colonels Huston and Ruppert are pouring cold ones in heaven because the Yanks stopped screwing around with amateur talent acquisition.   The Yankees have returned to the formula that made them the Yankees.

They wouldn't be putting on nightly and daily shit shows in the Bronx these last few years if they'd taken IFA and the Draft seriously and put their money where their tradition was before Comrade Bud and his small market flunkies aimed successive CBA's at the Yanks and their ability to compete.   Had the Yanks, under the Sons of Big Stein, did what Hank originally said -- sign everyone -- they wouldn't suck today, and they wouldn't have to pay these stupid fines on all the players they are collecting this IFA period.   So it's late, but perfectly appropriate for, after screwing up so monumentally, to finally get back in alignment with who they really are, and got get some impact bats.

And this is going to be a good IFA class.   They sent Donny Rowland down there a few years ago and he has revolutionized the whole operation, which had earlier been a bit corrupt.   It's sort of of phenomenal that Cano and Melky came out of that strange period where they were kicking 6 figures to guys who never made it to America.    No,  Donny, who I believe is in the American Scouting Hall of Fame went down there and raised the standards.   That's why we have Luis Severino and Jorge Mateo and a bunch of other A Ball kids who can fricking play.

Today the Yanks signed about 21 players, give or take, and realize every one of them has been rigorously examined by Rowland.   And they're taking everyone he's approved.   So simple, but it took this long to figure out.    Let the baseball guys do their thing, and just write the checks.  Like Yankee owners have always done, except CBS and George when he was out of his own alignment.  

Great day to be a fan of the system.    Enjoy it, but recognize the corner that has finally been turned.


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