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Monday, June 02, 2014

Yanks Lose Again

Yanks were tied 2-2 after 6.  Girardi, I guess since he used his best guys from the pen yesterday,  he wanted to ride Phelps, who'd been a little in and out of trouble all night, for another inning.   That didn't work.  Fortunately it was such a disaster that Girardi was able to bring in Thornton then Aceves to really throw the dirt on the grave that had been a 2-2 game.  

Hopefully, this latest embarrassment, offers them an opportunity to upgrade the bullpen, by swapping out some pitchers, for the harder throwers in AAA.    We'll see if they do.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

The good thing is that fixing the pen is a phone call away.

If only it was that easy to fix the rest of the team.

The defense is atrocious. The offense is an embarrassment.

Can't Hal see what, for example, Oakland is able to do with $82m?

If he is half the businessman he claims to be, he needs to clean house of his poor decision-makers, from the top down.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

The OF defense is good, as long as they don't put Sori out there.

It's the infield D and part of that is ceremonial since they will let Jeter finish his career at SS.

When Tex can play the corners are okay.

Late innings short should be okay. It's second that sucks, and the next two guys in the system are more hit than field 2B's right now.

Hal would have to fire his brother then himself if he went after the bad decision makers. They've hamstrung the lesser decision makers.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

He still spends $200m a year. Many GMs could spend it a lot better, because they spend much less better. He didn't trade IPK. He didn't put Joba or at one time Hughes in the pen. He didn't say that pitching holds the keys to the kingdom. He isn't the one who hasn't developed a position playing starter since Gardner. He didn't say that Melky was a 4th OFer.

Many of the lesser decision makers are just that, lesser.

That doesn't mean that Hal is a good owner, but the real problem starts with the GM and Eppler.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Mike in Mississippi said...

I think it's time for a new face at GM, but if Hal and company don't promise to allow a new GM to make baseball decisions without interference (Levine, etc.) then no one will want to step into that position.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

I disagree, Mike.

The chance to to be the GM of the Yankees is a unique opportunity. Even in the old days of manic-George, well before he mellowed in the Torre years, every GM with an ego thought it would be different once they took over. It wasn't, of course, but Hal isn't George.

I really believe that Hal wants to use the farm system, but wants a smoother transition than he has seen.

What if they signed Kazmir instead of Kuroda? Choo instead of Beltran.

I cannot believe that Hal made those decisions.


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