Welcome New Readers
It's come to my attention that there are some new readers just discovering and is some cases questioning my blog. Here's the deal: you're all welcome. I started this blog last fall to give me something productive to do while I wallow in television development hell. My original goal was to create a page that would be about movies, tv, music, comic books and sports. Since then, the threads about the Rangers, Yankees, Knicks and Giants have sort of taken over, and that's cool with me. I love my teams and I do get lots of info about them from contacts I have. When I get it I post it. If I'm not sure about it, I put a ? on the thread. That's how I'm gonna keep doing it, because, as you can tell, I sort of shorthand my thread starters and don't feel like writing a ton of disclaimers. In fact, I shorthand anything I'm not being paid for! But if you are inclined to, bear with us and we'll try to get you stuff on all the teams we care so much about. If you are so moved, join in the discussions. My goal is for you to have fun. Months of it as it turns out.
very well spoken Phil!!
Thanks Phil, your blog is quickly becoming one of the first sites I check daily (along with BBI of course).
Thanks, aim!
I second that Phil, as I always come check here before the morning breakfast. I try to check as much as possible for updates, and make my own contributions.
your contributions are much appreciated.
Thank you it's my pleasure.
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