A Month of Fundays

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Refsnyder Coming Up Tomorrow

Word is circulating that the Yanks will finally be calling up Rob Refsnyder tomorrow.  Rob's been red hot for weeks and really has his defense under control, even making some webgem type plays at second.  Let's hope he gets a real chance.   Wish I could trust Girardi to give him one.


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Mike in Mississippi said...

Let me explain how this is going to play out.

Refsnyder will start tomorrow, going 1-for-4 with no major issues at second. Girardi won't like it too much, but he will acquiesce and start Refsnyder on Sunday as well.

On Sunday, a cloud will line the sky, with a small ray of sunshine peeking its way through where, unfortunately, it will shine right in Refsnyder's eyes. Refnsyder, who will be 0-for-2 at this point, will commit his first error at second because of the ray of sunlight in his eyes. This will put Girardi teetering on the brink, and then...

Suddenly, the cloud will part, and down comes Stephen Drew riding on a winged unicorn with a glove shining as though it were made of pure gold! He will descend upon second base at Fenway, where Girardi will tearfully meet him and beg forgiveness for giving his spot to a rookie. Refsnyder will be pulled, where he will be greeted by a snickering Chris Capuano, who made his way from the bullpen to the dugout. Capuano will taunt the young rookie, saying, "Bet you wish you had the pictures like me, eh?" To add insult to injury, Refsnyder will take his seat just as Esmil Rogers arrives, having been activated just that day and escorted to Fenway via police car, replacing Bryan Mitchell, who suddenly came up with an injury. "I told you I'd be back!" proclaims Rogers, thus completing Girardi's Terrific Trifecta.

Meanwhile, having seen Refsnyder's first error, Anonymous will come on here and proclaim him a bust.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:18 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

A Grego like commitment or don't do it.

At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Stottlemyre68 said...

Rooting for Refs and hoping for the best. Unfortunately I'm across the pond and will have to wait to see him play. But I do both think it likely and hope that he's turned the corner and that the errors from the beginning of the season are just jitters and are in the rear view mirror. Go Refs!!!!


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