A Month of Fundays

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Yanks: Judge to AAA

Aaron Judge has been promoted to AAA,  putting him just one step or one injury away from moving on up to the show.  This is probably not the greatest news for Tyler Austin, who had been coming around at AAA or Ben Gamel who's been pretty good all year.  Judge is coming along nicely, and rather quickly for a Yankee collegiate pick. Jagielo is currently shutdown with a knee after missing time last year, and that's been more conistent with a path of our collegiate power picks.  Remember Bradley Suttle?  There've been a few of them who could actually hit, but couldn't stay healthy.  Sublett was another one.  Anyway, great news for Aaro who will only get better at incorporating his massive power into his AB's.


At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Stottlemyre68 said...

Just hoping that the Slade Heathcott -- Mason Williams jinx doesn't strike him. I don't see Gamel losing that much time to Judge since he is more in competition with Heathcott and Williams, and Judge right now is a much higher-ceiling prospect than Austin. I'm rooting for Austin too, but I don't think of him right now as a potential all-star like Judge.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

I hope they lhave earned that they can rely on these guys instead of junk like Chris Young or even Carlos Beltran.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Stottlemyre68 said...

I do too, or at least that they are learning. One concern is that the baseball people are in the position of having to justify themselves to business types and that they want to cover themselves if a player doesn't work out. Even though Beltran has so far flamed out, they can always say "but he did well in 2013, how were we to know?" whereas with a rookie they have to put their neck on the line.


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