A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Knicks Are Signing Lance Thomas, too

The Knicks, who really need to start losing consistently again, have decided to sign Lance Thomas till the end of the season.  It will be interesting to see if he gets a deal for next year, too.  Like Galloway he could be cheap but quality depth for a team that runs a system, like the Knicks do.  He's supposed to be a great locker room guy and he has a roll with the Knicks until they can upgrade it.  But really, the key thing it to keep losing so we are in no danger of Lance having to start next year.


At 5:53 AM, Anonymous yankyfan said...

Yuo could see this coming a mile away. We will win just enough for a non impact draft pick, Unless they freeze the ping pong ball.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

A team like the Knicks gets a chance like this every 20 years or more. Don't blow it.

It's as if the short-sighted trio of Hal, Levine and Cashman are suddenly in charge.

Shut Melo down after the ASG and get back on track.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous MBN said...

At least we kept up wit Philly and the T'Wolves. they both won yesterday, so we did not "lose" any ground by winning.


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