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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Tanaka Gets Back on the Winning Track

Looked like the Yankee line up and defense were going to screw Masahiro again, but down 2-0 Carlos Beltran channeled the player we thought we'd signed and hit a three run bomb.  Don't worry, we still have the least.    Then Zealous Wheeler hit one in his first Major League game, which was nice, but he's 27 and this will be no Cinderella story.   The final was 7-4, and at least the team did pick up Tanaka.   Big win.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Mike in Mississippi said...

Lawyer in NJ perfectly summed up the attitude of the front office with this statement in another post:

"But their goal is to fool the least common denominator of the fanbase, so they will probably be stupid, as usual."

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

Thanks, Mike.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

I have to give Girardi credit tonight for realizing that there was no need to stay with Tanaka past the 7th.

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

Oh, and watching Wheeler made me think the way to win- now is to bring up Refsnyder and give him 4 or 5 games a week at 2B. Bring up Murphy and play him 2 games a week at C.

They have everything to gain and nothing to lose except their failed way of development.

Hasn't Cano or Gardner's career path taught them anything?

Both outperformed their projections and it could not have happened the way they run the franchise now.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Mike in Mississippi said...

The problem goes back to your post I quoted — they're trying to trick the casual fan (I.E. the one that doesn't post on blogs such as this one, or forums) into thinking this is a contending team. Truth is, it's not. Thus, even if Refsnyder's defense wasn't up to speed, there's no reason not to give him major-league at-bats at this point. Let him go ahead and start getting a feel for playing in the majors now since the team isn't a World Series contender.

But in order to do what you mentioned, they're either playing it "safe" by continuing to trot out names like Roberts and Soriano and/or keeping Refsnyder and others in the minors so they can trade for more band aids.

I believe you once called it the Road to Never Being Great? Pretty much.


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