A Month of Fundays

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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Yanks: CC Shutdown Again

After hitting 93 and 94 last night in his minor league rehab appearance, CC Sabathia woke up with fluid on his knee, and now he's being shutdown again.   Joe Tor-- er -- I mean -- Girardi doesn't seem to expect him back this year.

Instead of the Yanks seeing this as  a more less lost year, where they can work on fixing some organizational problems, and receive higher picks next year, the Yanks will decide they are still in the playoff hunt and that will really jeopardize our farm.

Other teams will surely be looking for last year's three first rounders, the two catchers, and Luis Severino for starters.   Let's hope Cash channels his inner Gene Michael and decides no deals can be made with those 6 players right now.

This is now a scary month, as we're also rumored to be after Padres 3B Chase Headley.   If anything, we should only accept him as compensation for them hiring away Billy Eppler if they decide to do that in the next few days.  I don't think we ever got compensation for Sabean, but that was in the offseason.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

Cashman has demonstrated that he has nothing in common with the in his prime Stick.

This is an acid test year. If they make stupid trades, they should all be condemned to baseball hell.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Stottlemyre68 said...

I hope Cashman is smart enough to realize that he can't put together a team that will go anywhere in the playoffs just by adding more scotch tape to fix a lineup that already is made up of too much scotch tape. It would be one thing if Beltran & McCann were playing up to our expectations but they aren't showing signs that they will, especially given Beltran's physical condition. But as it stands now, they don't have a bona fide all star at any position except pitcher, and their rotation has very little that can be relied on outside of Kuroda. Two strong starters and a second and third baseman who can hit add up to too many holes to fill.


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