A Month of Fundays

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Friday, June 06, 2014

Giant OTA: Turning Point?

While I've been waiting for the MLB draft to resume, I caught up on the media coverage of the Giants 6th OTA practice.    Where last time the media was invited, it looked and felt very transitional, yesterday's reports spoke of vastly more cohesion, especially on the new offense.  Beckham couldn't go because of a hammy, and Jernigan, god bless him, was attending to a death in the family, but the O looked good, and there were longer routes being run.   Also, there were multiple reports of improvement among the new players.   If this turns out to be a good season, I think people will misattribute the sudden jump in performance to the cutting of Will Hill.  I think they've just repped themselves to the right place and the Will Hill stuff is unrelated.  He's not on O, anyway.   But we're getting ahead of ourselves.   TC had a lot of praise for Robinson and Donnell, and that can only be reassuring.   Four more practices, then mini-camp.


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous PhilinWNY said...

Looks like the Giants PR spin is in full swing as they're touting Cooper Taylor's off-season to take our minds off Will Hill.

If Robinson comes on this year along with a continuation of what Jernigan did at the end of last season, Reese is going see some pressure life.

I've got a good feeling about this upcoming season.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous PhiliinWNY said...

should read - "pressure lift"


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