A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Yankees Full Season Minor League Teams Start Tomorrow

And tomorrow we will begin to find out how they are addressing their development issues, and if they've done anything but rearrange the deck chairs.   As usual, I think I'll be following Charleston most closely. They have Judge -- who better not be there long -- as well as a bunch of the teens who stepped in and performed in short season, including Kato and Wade from the draft and teenagers Torrens and Andujar from IFA.  Btw, for some reason they are listing Aaron Judge as a 1B on their Charleston roster.   He needs to be in the OF, and I think he will be.  

Finally got the new coaching staff.  The manager is Luis Dorante, a guy who's coached around the minors and in major league bullpens for more than a decade.   Former Yankee minor league tease Edwar Gonzalez is the hitting coach.  Carlos Chantres, who is a Nardi guy, and has been coaching pitchers up in AAA and the bigs, is the pitching coach.  We'll see how is development skills are.   Justin Tordi is the other coach, he's a young guy who was a career minor leaguer who never made kit beyond AA.   He'll have a good idea what the next few years might have in store for the kids.  

Charleston was apparently considered a strong developmental level last year, since they moved Al Pedrique and and rest of the staff up to High A.   We'll see how they do with the teens.

It will also be interesting to see who the Yanks have coaching in their short season leagues come June.


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