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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Trenton Thunder Roster Announced

The Yanks have announced the Thunder line-up and it may be illuminating some new ideas.   First of all, Mason Williams is there and needs to re-establish himself and so is Gary Sanchez.  With good starts, both could find themselves in AAA. This being Yankee land, they can also find themselves in trades.  We sort of expected them to be there, so it's not huge news.

What is interesting is that Bed Gamel is also there,  and that's a good solid promotion for him.  Likewise, Refsnyder and Dugas, two college picks with OBA skills are also there and are being moved through the system and a good pace.

Rounding out the position side, they also have Ali Castillo, Zach Wilson,  Rob Segedin (who was coming on when last injured), Carmen Angelini,  Yeral Sanchez,  Tyson Blaser and Francisco Arcia.  I have always believed that Arcia will make it to the show.  As of right now he and Blaser start out caddying for Gary Sanchez.

On the pitching side, we have Bryan Mitchell, who is always a candidate for a breakout and has top of the rotation stuff.    Jeremy Bleich will be continuing his comeback starting in Trenton.  Additionally Brandon Pinder, Manny Barreda, Joel De La Cruz,  Jairo Heredia (this guy can pitch by has had tons of injuries),  Zach Nuding, Cole Kimball, Aaron Dott,  Diego Moreno, and Pat Venditte. Looks like Matt Tracey and Charley Short are starting out on IR.  Tracey has a chance because he's a good sized lefty with decent stuff.  He was cruising for awhile, then sort of lost it and got hurt.

Should be interesting.  I've always thought they have tried too hard to win the EL under Tony Franklin, instead of focusing on getting ready for the bigs.


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