A Month of Fundays

A New York Yankees, Giants, Knicks, Rangers and other stuff blog.

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Sunday, June 08, 2014

This Week On The Blog

Interesting week on the blog, coming right up.

Rangers:  Rangers find themselves down 2-0 to none against a team that hasn't been able to get a lead on them during regulation.   They're going to get back into this series, and if they can maintain their poise, they can win two or more in a row.

Yanks: We'll, they'll probably win when Tanaka pitches.  Though they could no decision him or even give him a bad loss, like they gave Kuroda today.   I think we have to start worrying about a trade or two.    They're impatient, and if they were willing to call up some kids, they would have done it already.   But we'll talk some more about the draft who they are signing.

Giants:  The Giants have their last 4 OTA's coming up and then they'll take a few days and head to mandatory mini-camp on the 17th.  They could continue to make some moves around the fringes, or even announce some reworked deals in the coming weeks and days,

Knicks:  The could name a coach.    They could acquire picks.   Who bloody knows?

So, we wish best of luck to the Rangers, best of judgment to the Yanks, best of health to the Giants, and best of decision making to Phil Jackson, who is the Knicks, these days.


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