A Month of Fundays

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Saturday, June 07, 2014

Rangers Get Screwed, Now Down 2-0

The Rangers just had a game stolen from them by NHL refs.  First, they just lost in double overtime, because the Kings were not penalized for knocking the puck over the wall.   Had they been, the Rangers would have been on a power play and the Kings would not have scored that goal.   But there shouldn't even have been overtime.

Kings goal #3 was scored during a clear as day goalie interference and should have been waved off.  It wasn't and the Kings went on to score again when the Rangers would have been on the power play.

Just a disgraceful night for the league.   We'll see that uncalled interference penalty for years.  No disrespect intended to the Kings, but it was the refs who beat the Rangers tonight, and quit running running our goalie.


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