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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dexter Keeps Slicing and Dicing

Dexter is back for a third season on Showtime and it looks to be off to another interesting and unsettling start. This year, Dexter has already discovered that he's gonna be a dad, and we know that Deb Morgan is under a lot of pressure from IA to rat out another officer, obviously this leads to a lot of cursing from Deb. What's more, Dexter has inadvertantly killed the seemingly stand-up brother of DA Jimmy Smits. Yup, they've brought in Jimmy Smits. Now, I have to admit something, "bringing in Jimmy Smits" always seems like a stale idea to me. But you know what? He's always really fricking good. They've been "bringing in Jimmy Smits" for the past 20 or more years for one reason: he's a really good actor who can create just about every possible reaction you will want from an audience, and the character he's created for Dexter is already both full of pathos and the possibility menace. Looks like we're in for another good season.


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