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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Anyone Else Miss Delos?

Back in the pre-Star Wars/Close Encounters `70's, we had some hip sci-fi thrillers, two of the most fun were WESTWORLD (1973, MGM) and FUTUREWORLD (1976, AIP). The concept of an automated amusement park where robots would eventually turn against people, and feature the first iteration of the Terminator, was the brainchild of Michael Crichton well before he got all Jurrasic and shit. He even directed the first one, which is the more excellent flick. Which is not to say the sequel was a dud. It wasn't, those bastards behind Delos were replacing world leaders with robots divised from their own genetic make-up! Gladly their plot was stumbled on by Peter Fonda and Blyther Danner (basically playing the Richard Benjamin role from the first) and hopefully put down. Still, I miss this kind of flick. There has been talk of a WESTWORLD remake over the past several years, but I don't know if there's a script, a director or any energy behind it, and I fear they'll muck it up. Alas, rent em if you haven't seen them.


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