A Month of Fundays

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Strangely Overdramatic World of Jim Steinman

Jim Steinman is the longhaired, operactically "rocking" songwriter behind some of the most overdone pop of the last 30 years and he has been willing to peddle his increasingly pulled from thin air metaphors to everyone from Meatloaf to Manilow - which the Music industry would have us see as distant stars but they really aren't. Both Meatloaf and Manilow and Streisand for that matter were always more musical theater oriented than R&B or Rock born. Anyway, along the way this pretentiously dark critter has come up with AM opera bits full of faux Rock, faux Darkness and faux pain that have made a ton of us laugh as we learned the words and found the bathos hard to get out of our heads. Here's s sampling of some of his contrived metaphors set to music, and yes this is punishment for the lack of music talk around here.




So talk music here more or we'll take a look at Glamrock.


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