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Monday, April 30, 2007

Giants About to Add a Tackle?

Talk is hot and heavy right now that the Giants will add displaced Cleveland Left Tackle Kevin Shaffer to their left tackle competition. I think this would be an excellent move making us deep at tackle with McKenzie, Shaffer, Whimper and Koets and would restore David Diehl to his left guard spot, where he's been excellent. What's more the loser of the LT competition becomes 3rd T and Koets gets a year to develop. Since we wouldn't be responsible for Shaffer's bonus, just his salary, we could trade him again, or just cut him when Whimper and Koets are ready.

Shaffer was a good player for Atlanta and really took to Alex Gibbs' system. He was not as effective in Cleveland where they wanted him to play a more straight ahead smashmouth system. When Luke was with the Giants, they let him play McNally technique while everyone else played the new technique, and they'd probably be willing to let Shaffer do the same with this Gibbs technique if he's able to beat out Whimper.

In all, I'd rather have a new tackle holding the spot or losing it to Whimper, than David Diehl, a terrific guard who gets better every year. I'd rather not disrupt his career by moving him to LT to keep the spot warm for Whimper.


At 5:50 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Is this still true? I know Staple and Palladino say its off for now..

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

They don't want to keep paying Shaffer now that they have Joe Thomas. I'm sure it can still get done.

BTW, Brandon Myles is one of our UDFA's. He's a lot like Ron Dixon, but with good knees.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I just hope Reese does not give up anything of substance. Based on what I have seen so far I do not think he will. I like the Myles pickup!!!!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

we're kicking but in UDFA.


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