My Greatest 100 (or so) Albums...
Superfly (Curtom, 1972) Curtis Mayfield. This soundtrack album, featuring songs like "Freddie's Dead","Pusherman", and "Superfly" has often been compared with Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On," which we will get to eventually, but to me it's really more like Pet Sounds. Curtis Mayfield had been a founding member of the Impressions. They were sort of Chicago's answer to the Temptations, anyway, by 1972 Curtis had sort of moved beyond his role in the group and was ready to do something amazing. He did. This is like Pet Sounds because it's of a theme (being a movie soundtrack, it had to be) and features a bunch of great songs and two instrumentals. Obviously, it's got a different theme than Pet Sounds, but structurally, it's similar. Unlike Pet Sounds, which was sort of idiotically remaindered by Capitol, Superfly was a huge hit. You could not walk around outside in NYC back in fall of `72 without hearing something from this. That made `72 good. Check it out.
Mayfield's 'Curtis' is my favorite. Its almost flawless.
( Dont Worry ) If theres a Hell Below We're all Going to Go
The Other Side of Town
The Makings of You
Move on Up
Miss Black America
Wild and Free
Give it Up
Just amazing songs...I knew you would have Curtis Mayfield on your list...
Ill have to listen to SuperFly tonight....
yeah, and check out the Kung Fu recs.
You are right...this CD is amazing. Its been to long since I have listened to it.
'No Thing on Me' ( Cocaine Song ) has everything.
Super Fly is every bit as good as 'Curtis'...if not better for other reasons....
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