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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Knicks Introduce Derek Fisher

The Knicks ended a long a frustrating coaching search today by naming Derek Fisher as their 26th head coach.   That's a daunting number considering that only 3 or 4 of them have been any good with the Knicks.   This should be interesting.

Btw, it's not unusual for coach's to become good executives, nor is it unusual for them to tap and coach through their former players.   Red Auerbach, arguably, or inarguably, the greatest NBA exec of all time hired his players to coach the Celtics every few year for about 40 years.    There must have  been 8 or 9 of them and they did just fine in most cases.   So I think this is no different than what Auerbach did.

The Knicks have gotten permission from the Lakers to talk to Kurt Rambis , to be lead assistant on Fisher's staff.  Did you know that Rambis started out as a Knick?   I've run into him a few times over the years and we always talk about his days with the Knicks.     They're also looking at a sizable mix of former Jackson players to fill out the pro staff and presumably stock the D-League coaching staff, so it will be one system in both places.

You can't see it in the picture, but they actually introduced Fisher on a stage they had put up in the gym at the training center.   I hope that was apropos of something good happening on the side of fundamentals and practice.     Let's go, Knicks!


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Lawyer in NJ said...

Fisher has "it." He knocked every question out of the park.

While I agree that the Knicks have had very few successful coaches, more than a few have been burdened by the crazy, counterproductive win-now attitude, which is a disease that his put a ceiling on too many NY teams' ability to win it all.

The NBA and free agency can make that a little different (although personally, I love, for example, what OKC has done in the draft).

So Melo plus a free agent or two, or no Melo and a few free agents, can give them a chance to win if they are players with complimentary skillsets.

Obviously, until LeBron declines, winning championships may be very hard for teams that he isn't on, but the Jackson/Fisher combo at least gives the Knicks a chance.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

I just want them to build a culture over the long haul, and a team through FA's and getting more draft picks.


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