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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Giants Will Pick No Lower than #3

The Giants will probable pick second in the 2018 NFL Draft - unless they beat the Redskins next week, which could complicate things.  In any event, they will pick no later than #3 after today's embarassment.  13 is now their all-time franchise record for losses in a season and with any luck it will only last a week.

Last time the Giants had the #2 overall pick, they took Lawrence Taylor.  They have to find that kind of impact again and their resistance to playing rookie QB Davis Webb at all this lost season has clouded the waters of what should be a clean grab for a franchise pick or the best non-QB in the draft.    Look at the 49ers, who were suffering a similarly bad season when they traded for Jimmy Garappolo and PLAYED HIM!  They now don't have to spend a first rounder on a quarterback for several years. The Giants played it the other way, and will now have no information about the strong armed kid they have, and will thus spend a ton of time stacking this year's crop of potential first round QB's. Stupid.

Meanwhile, the Giants should be very attractive to new GM's and coaches: they'll have no less than the 3rd pick in all of the rounds of the coming draft, and next year they will be getting Odell back, as well as a several other decent players. They're in no particular cap trouble and the owners.  We have to hope that whomever they hire is a lot smarter than the people who've been making the bad Davis decisions.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Rich said...

This franchise is being run worse than the Knicks at their low point.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Will a new GM be required to keep Chris Mara in the FO?

And how could anyone think Marc Ross’s body of work has earned him consideration for a promotion, let alone keep his current job?

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

Well, there was noise about the Browns being under investigation for violating the spirit of or actual Rooney rule when they hired their new GM a few weeks ago. Giants won't have to worry about that, and Riddick seems interesting. School of Boone.

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Why would anyone want anything to do with the Browns?

Or is it a sign that the perception of Mara is still bottoming.

I would take Riddick over the other current interviewees as long as he completely cleans house.

The Rooney Rule, although well intended is a mistake, imo, because no one know if it is the Rule or ability that produced the interview.

But I would hire, for example, Tomlin and/or Newsome in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, race remains the third rail of sports.

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

David Shaw of Stanford has always interested me.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Billy Martin said...

Absolutely pathetic that Webb, Okwara and Moss were all inactive this week. Apple continues to get no burn but he seems to be a mental midget.

I can't find the article but it was basically saying Apple's struggles this year are due to off-field personal issues. Supposedly he stopped talking to his step-father last summer and that was always the person he could lean on and now he just has his mother, who's pretty vocal and seems to care more about her opinion then her son. E.G. criticizing the Mara's last year over Josh Brown.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Saw this on Twitter: QBs are having a rough year. Every per-game passing stat is worse:
Atts -4.3%
Comps -5.4%
Yards -6.6%
TDs -4.3%
Int +3.6%
Sacks +7.0%

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Rich said...

As to the NYG, someone in authority, maybe the very weak owner, should tell Landon Collins that even if he’s right factually about Eli Apple, there is NOTHING to be gained from a public dispute, because Apple is an expensively acquired asset that can not be just thrown away like a street free agent signee.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Rich said...

"I met with Coach Spags and Eli this morning and I apologized for the things I said yesterday," Collins wrote. "I never stop supporting my brother/teammate Eli and the rest of my teammates as we move forward. Just want him to know I'm always there for him."

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

There's been a leadership vacuum on the Giants and Landon has been filling it.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Rich said...

That says it all.

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Josina Anderson of ESPN has a report that Apple will not be back next year. OK, maybe he shouldn’t be back, but to say that a new coach and GM will have autonomy but then not... If this is true, what a mess.

Even though the new #Giants GM & head coach are not in place-- thus nothing is certain yet--one team source remains very adamant on their feelings about CB Eli Apple: "He will not be in an NYG uniform next year. Dude is done with NYG. Done

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Billy Martin said...

I don't agree that this is an issue or a mess -- Apple's mother openly criticized the owner of the team during her 2 minutes of fame. Now you start to add in Apple the player and it's a no brainer. Anyone they hire should have the same mindset and that's improving the culture and step 1 is to get rid of the cancer.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Rich said...

He’s a 21-year-old kid with talent. If you’re bringing in a strong head coach he can kick his butt into line

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Rich said...

But for arguments sake, I will take the other side. OK so you have two very high picks in Flowers and Apple. . If those two are gone For different reasons without a new staff both in the front office and on the field having a chance to work with them, rehabilitate them, then Ross and every single person in the personnel and scouting department better be sent packing.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Rich said...

OK so the weak owner choose to go the easy route. F him.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

New Post on Gettleman.


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