A Month of Fundays

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Heroes and Studio 60

That's the post Rangers TV schedule tonight. "Heroes" is interesting and seems to me to owe more to M.Knight Shamalamdingdong's best flick, "Unbreakable" than it does to the X-men franchise. They need to incorporate a little more use of powers to keep things moving, though, if the little, invulnerable cheerleader character has another fatal accident this week, as she has every week so far, I'm gonna start calling her Kenny. It's good enough to stick with so far, and that's good indeed!

"Studio 60," I already talked about. The "faux" show they are all working on needs to be really funny, and so far it's not. Also, Amanda Peet should be in it more. I don't know what this would do to the arcs they have plotted, but I would sure appreciate it.

Give them a look.


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