A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Spring Training Re-Opens

Play ball? Major Leaugue Teams, inclunding our Yankees have to report today to resume training activities. Apparently the Yanks will be at the Stadium where their temeperartures will be taken and their Covid tests administered. They will also have noremal baseball physcials, though Cashman said, yesterday, Stanton, Hicks andn Judge should be good to go by opening day, which will July 23. In other news, the Yanks back-up game site is PNC Field, where the Rail Riders play and not in Staten Island, which is a bit of a diaappointment.

It will be interesting to see what the Yanks and other teams will do with their prospects given that the minor leagues are in flux.

One thing to keep an eye on during the new camp, is the young pitchers like ClarkeSchmidt and Luis Medina.  The reason that this will be intriguing is the Briend factor and New PC Matt Blake. As we know the new pitching system looks at pitchers differently and they might be able to flick the swich on a Medina or Albert Abreu - huge stuff guys who are both on their expanded 60 man roster.

Let's go, Yanks!


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