A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Yankee Stuff

Things are a little more up in the air in the system than we might have expected. The Yanks didn't just fire Rothschild, they parted ways, with Scott Aldred, Tim Norton and many other long term Yankee pitching coaches.  Seems like Sam Briend has taken charge.  He's the guy they hired from Driveline and it seems like they have given him the keys to the kingdom, to wit, the Yankees are interviewing all sorts of forward thinking college pitching coaches, like Matt Hobbs from Arkansas, and the guy from Michigan.  They're meeting with Hobbs today in New York.  Of course, they now have all sorts of minor league pc and coordinator jobs available. So they're probably not getting a younger Rothschild.

In other news, Jay Bell has left the organization, so now they need a new AAA Manager, too.  This stuff is fun.


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