A Month of Fundays

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Yanks Draft, Day 3 Stuff

Because of the way the new system works out, Day Three is actually the most interesting day in the draft.   Or it can be anyway, depending on how much dough was set aside in the first ten rounds.  It's unknowable at this point what savings there are for the Yanks, but overall they've done pretty well on these day threes under the new system and that's becuase they have good scouts, and they really try to work their picks instead of just trying to fill out the SI roster -- which they used to do during that period between when the old good scouts left and Lin Garrett was running the drafts  -- and the time when they hired back some of their best scouts and hired away some other teams' best scouts.

So day 3 should be good for Yankee fans, because they won't throw away a pick -- unless you consider picking a signability kid they have no intention of actually signing a waste.   Because I think they will pick some signability kids in the first four or five rounds today, then maybe one per every ten rounds thereafter.   They have a lot more pool money than they did last year.

Today, they probably will pick a catcher or two.  I thought they were going to pop one earlier, but I'm not sure that the talent was there.  After the Torrens injury, I felt it would push a premium pick, but I'm glad they didn't reach for anyone.

Overall, I would like to see them grab some prep bats - because of the age gap between their best MiLB hitters - that they will be able to sign, as well as more of the same kind of polished and effective hitters and pitchers they've been finding on their typical day threes.  It does feel like they're going after more starters than usual, but I also hope they find some more power arms for the pen.

Should be fun.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Russel Henderson said...

Rounds 11-20 are the most interesting, after that even the best drafting teams take more org guys than anything else.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

They try to grab guys with at least something going for them, and if they then become org guys, so be it, but they don't really look for org guys like they used to.


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