A Month of Fundays

A New York Yankees, Giants, Knicks, Rangers and other stuff blog.

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Monday, March 24, 2014

This Week on the Blog

Sorry I didn't get to this over the weekend -- tournament.   Anyway, should be a pretty interesting week for at least a few of our teams.

Yankees:  The Yanks have to strart finalizing their 25 man roster to start the season.   They're trying to trade Ichiro and could still use infield help.   They will also name the 5th starter tomorrow.  Joe Girardi has already listed CC, Kuroda, Nova and Tanaka as the first 4.    They could also still make a trade or two to clarify things/get infield help.  And it will be interesting to see how they compose the bullpen.   Some of the kids like Betances and Lewis have been great.

Giants:  The Giants will keep working on their roster.  Today they will learn which comp pick or picks they will be getting for the draft.  Could be an extra 4 or 5 and maybe a 7.   They need as many as they can get, because they still have a roster problem.

Rangers: The team is battling the flu and their way into the playoffs.  They have to just minimize the effects of the bug, get contributions from those who can go, and keep chugging.

Knicks:  Knicks finally lost last night, and their playoff hopes dimmed even more.  Doesn't seem like Phil will add anyone to the front office or staff this week, but, you never know.

So all and all it should be a compelling week for everyone but the Knicks.


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