A Month of Fundays

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yankee Prospect Stuff: Where's Omar?

Last year, the Yankees spent 4M to secure the services of Cuban LHP Omar Luis Rodriguez.   Since then, they've had trouble getting him a visa.  Finally, in May, Baseball America repotted that Omar had gotten his visa, was in America and would likely be pitching in Staten Island this summer.   Well, he's not on the SI roster, and the Yanks haven't said a thing about him since the vise trouble during ST.   Perhaps he'll surface on one of the two GCL teams that will start play later this week.

Anyway, the reason why it's pretty important is the Omar is our top left handed pitching prospect, and if he's ever to be ready he needs to be working.   It was reported that he was just 19 when he signed - the Yanks had seen him as part of the Cuba junior team.   So he's only 20 or 21 now so though he has some time, he'll be 2 or three years older than the kids in the GCL if that's where he starts, and it would be a shame if he lost a year or two to bullshit like Rafael DePaula just did.

In other Yankee Lefty news, Ethan Carnes, the intriguing LHP they took in the 21st round from Oklahoma has signed, and will presumably join SI.   And first round LHP Ian Clarkin is apparently in Tampa taking his physical, having reached a financial deal with the Yanks.   Hopefully, he passed and his signing will be official tomorrow.


At 2:57 PM, Anonymous MBN said...

I was wondering where Omar was, and I was afraid that he would have the same issues that DePaula had, and be set back by 2-3 years. Hope he is on one of the GCL teams.


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