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Friday, January 11, 2008

Rest in Peace, Mr. Mayor

Johnny Grant, seen above either presiding over a Bruce Willis star or handprint ceremony, was the "mayor" of Hollywood for as long as anyone around here can remember. He was always the MC at all of those ceremonies and always had his own ride in the Christmas Parade. Cool guy that he was, he lived in a penthouse in Hollywood Roosevelt and would commute a few steps every morning to his office in the Johnny Grant building. When Hollywood lost it's urban luster in the `70's, `80's and into the `90's it was Johnny Grant who always believed the town would bounce back. I am personally gratified that he got to witness what he always believed would come to pass. He was a wonderful ambassador for our neighborhood and always had a kind word for for whoever crossed his path. He will be dearly missed and never replaced. Rest in Peace, Johnny.


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