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Friday, May 30, 2014

Giants: Will Hill Suspended for First Six Games

In a move at odds with history and justice, the NFL flexed it's irrational muscles by suspending the Giants Will Hill for the first 6 games of the season, because some jackass cop reported his car smelled of marijuana during a traffic stop.  No failed test, but a six game suspension.

What's really hilarious is that there would be no NFL as we know it if not for steroids.  People just don't get that big and fast by eating right.  In fact, the league rules allow players to have up to 6 times the average man's amount of testosterone in them before they throw a flag.  They even stared down congress several years ago on their "world class drug policy" that happens to allow rampant roid use.

So they are suspending Hill for 6 games over an aroma.  What a joke.

It will be interesting to see what the Giants will do with Hill, who is still one of their best players and could give them a boost in week 7.


At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Doug said...

I know you have connections so I'm not questioning this, but are you confirming that hill indeed did not actually fail a test but the sole reason for suspension was because of the December incident?

From what you know, are the Giants going to keep him?

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Kalel9 said...

I don't know. Heard they'd dump him if there was another suspension, but this case was so silly, that they might give him another chance.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope the Giants bring him back based on this. I can't believe that gets him 6 games if that information is correct. Wow, I have to wonder what those people are smoking to make a decision like that.


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