Just a High Tech Lynching of a Latino Man
The witch hunt continued today in Tampa. At a press conference that seemed to be attended by 200 members of the media and all of his teammates, ARod read a prepared speach where he once again apologized, called himself an idiot over and over, said he and his cousin injected steroids from the Dominican Republic over a 3 year period. He said he stopped when he hurt his neck and when he learned there would be real testing. Then the media tried to attack the details of his statement. I continue to wonder where all these guys were when the steroid taking was going on? Why aren't they finding the other users? Why do they need him in a shooting gallery? The hypocrisy is endless.
I had to turn off WFAN today, as King Francesa was at an all time annoying high with his pompous arrogance
Another 9 years with A-Fraud.
Should be a fun season in NY.
With that being said I predict a MONSTER season for him.
I don't condone his actions but I'm hoping it has an effect of galvanizing the Yankees into a real close team. The Yanks have missed that for a few years. I find Jeter, our captain, a little aloof. This may help make the guys closer. I also love the personalities of our new free agents. I expect a big year from Arod and the entire team.
John, I think we're seeing it the same way. I'm already seeing better chemistry and a better attitude than I have in years.
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